Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm Not Smarticle, yesterday morning I'm taking my kids to school and somehow we got on the conversation of knowledge.  I made the funny comment that my head is soooo full of knowledge it's going to bust to which my fourteen year old replies...and I quote..."well if your head is gonna bust because of knowledge then daddy's is REALLY REALLY gonna bust."  Ummmm...excuse me????  She said yeah, daddy is smarter than you.  I'm not trying to hurt your feelings.  She continues, I guess trying to make me feel better, with "I mean, he just shows it more."  So now he doesn't just have more knowledge but he ACTS like he has more.  ..So, feeling like my son will completely take my side I tell him and he says..."yeah...daddy is smarter than you."  Where's the love...?  Thinking she is smarter than me, Anna Blake has started adding and subtracting stars every time I say or do something smart/not smart.  In order to reach her  "level of knowledge"  I must "earn" fifty stars.  Presently I think I'm like negative 3.  HAHA  Wheres the love people?  Where's the encouragement? all day I laughed at her saying that but noticing how unsmarticle I really am.  But it's all in fun...a memory in the making!!!!  I know I'm really smarter than her daddy!  LOL  well, equal to anyway!!!!!  Hope everyone has a great day!!!!!!! 

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