Monday, February 14, 2011

Writing on the Wall

I noticed this "writing on my wall" and wondered what God could possibly be trying to tell me.  Let me show you so that if you get some kind of revelation from God, you can let me know......

I'm thinking maybe God is trying to tell me my life is crazy...but I already know that.  Maybe He's saying you are on the borderline of needing to control your anger (it's orange, not quite red) but I'm not borderline...I'm in DESPERATE need of controlling my anger.   Maybe He's saying...I know I don't make sense but trust me...well, that's been a given since I've trusted Him to take control.  I mean....why else would He give me 5 children.    Or PERHAPS He's your children like I do.  Even when they "misbehave and do what they shouldn't."  Even if they make a mistake YOU have to clean up!!!!!!!!! (and God's cleaned up MANY of my mistakes!!!!!)  Maybe He's will miss this...savor the moment.  "Let the children come to me....mistakes and all...imperfection, lack of knowledge, hardly a lick of common sense,unclean, but a life I would DIE FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   One trillion times over if that's what it takes.  She/He is mine!!!!!!!  I created them for my glory!!!!!!!! 


  1. i like the theory of 'love your children as I do" or loving them as Christ loved you. If I could get into this habit of considering this before reacting to my children, or anyone for that matter, then I could hardly think of a single instance where my anger would be justified :) Nice thoughts, Natalie!

  2. You might want to consider asking God to show you the root cause of all that anger and then show you how to overcome it. I could go into scripture quoting here but lets get real. When people get that angry there is no scripture popping into their heads! Been there....
